Created 2 Serve Ministries

Our Story

How it all started...

It all started with a "Yes"... For years, many Prophets were speaking over the lives of Pastor Glen and Prophetess Vatrice, but Pastor Glen was reluctant to start the journey in all transparency. During the height of the pandemic God spoke to Pastor Glen and revealed that there was no more time for running because it was more lives at stake than just his own. At that very moment, Glen Davis submitted his life and servitude to the assignment God called for him to do.

Created 2 Serve Ministries was established to be a lighthouse in the community and to spread the word of God. God gave them simple instructions that before they can expand and/or spread his word they first have to be partakers of it. They have to read it, understand it, teach it, acknowledge it, live it, and then spread it. 

Expanding the vision...

You made it this far.. so lets talk expansion... Not physically but spiritually! God gave us a foundation, mission, and vision; they collectively sought out how to achieve it. Now it is time to build upon the rock and go out and make disciples. In essence that is the true goal of all churches right?
C2S (Yes)

Where we are headed...

Created 2 Serve is a bible based ministry that operates inside and outside the physical building. Our goal is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the Globe with no boundaries, chains, or restrictions. We are teachers that do not dilute the word of God and instruct the people of God with what they need to hear and not what they want to hear.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together @ 11 am.